• Vignaioli in Cortona dai primi del '900

Cultivation methods

The cultivation methods aim at maximum respect for the environment and the maintenance of the natural balance between plants, soil and microorganisms, leading to the optimization and elevation of all the organoleptic characteristics of the grapes. This commitment is facilitated by the fact that all the vineyards are surrounded, as in an embrace, of ancient woods that create a unique microclimate, helping the spread and reproduction of useful insects. The cellar was built in 2014, after a few years of wine-making tests. It combines tradition with modern technologies.

manual selection

The quality of the grapes is the result of a careful selection: out of 10 hectares of vineyards, only the best 2 hectares are dedicated to winemaking. Clusters are thinned at the onset of ripening and later, during the manual harvesting in boxes, a further selection is done. Finally, after destemming, the manual selection of the grapes is carried out on a sorting table. All the other grapes are intended for sale.


The fermentation, which depending on the grapes and the years lasts from 20 to 35 days, takes place in steel vats at a controlled temperature; the musts never exceeds a temperature of 27°C, this is to keep all the aromas and scents intact. After this period the wines are separated from the skins with a very soft pressing. Following the racking, the new wines are placed for aging in barriques or in concrete tanks, where they remain for about a year.


The cellar was built in 2014, after a few years of wine-making tests. It combines tradition with modern technologies. The barriques used are all French oak barriques and remain in use for 5 years: this allows us to obtain wines that fully respect the pedo-climatic characteristics of the vintage. Our wines are characterized by their elegant and clean style, net but never aggressive aromas, roundness in the mouth given by smooth but firm tannins.

discover owr wines

I nostri vini si contraddistinguono per il loro stile elegante e pulito, profumi netti ma mai aggressivi, rotondità in bocca data da tannini morbidi ma decisi.

Poggio Sorbello

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